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Army Pa Program Letter Of Intent

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A military letter of recommendation increases the likelihood of acceptance when applying for a particular position, promotion, special program, military school/academy, or to request an award/medal that a person feels they deserve but was not awarded upon discharge. Whether it's the Air Force, the Army, the Marines, or the Navy, there's a good chance a letter of recommendation will be required at some point in a military career. Typically, a collection of recommendation letters is required for these applications/requests, with everything in an application package being less than 6 months old. When admissions committees are comparing two candidates with equal kits, a collection of sterling recommendation letters from credible, reliable sourcescan make the difference between acceptance and rejection.

  • How to Write (Format)

When selecting a writer for a military letter of recommendation, keep in mind that extra weight is given to recommenders who are high ranking officers. A captain, major, commander/colonel, general/admiral are excellent options; however, if they do not know the candidate personally, they aren't a reliable judge of their character and therefore a poor choice.

If it's not possible to get letters from chain of command, the next viable options are people who know the candidate personally, preferably someone who can attest to their growth or has seen them in a leadership role. A letter of recommendation could come from a teacher/professor, an employer, a coach, a mentor, a religious leader, or anyone that can speak to the applicant's character.

A collection of recommendation letters should come from a variety of sources who present similar testimony of the candidate's character relevant to the position/promotion/program/award for which they are applying. Providing the letters contain true and accurate evidence of the applicant's eligibility, this collection will make for a cohesive argument in their favor. In some cases, a specific number of recommendation letters is demanded. The applicant should research the guidelines of the application before submitting to avoid providing too many, or too few, letters of recommendation.

A military letter of recommendation should be well-crafted and precise in format, as it will go into the official files of the military. It's very similar to a business or college style letter, but the formatting is more detailed for military personnelor civilians employed by the military. The main content of the letter will include an introduction, 1-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. These paragraphs should be numbered (unless the writer is non-military personnel). All writers should keep the tone of the letter professional and do their best to deliver a sound argument regarding the applicant's qualifications and suitability.


If the letter iswritten by military personnel, it will follow a clear-cut format. Use organization letterhead if possible and, at the top of the page, include the following information:

MEMORANDUM FOR: [rank and name of recipient, recipient's unit or organization]
FROM: [rank and name, unit or organization name]
SUBJECT: Letter of recommendation for [rank, last name, first name, unit]

Writers who are not in the military can ignore these formatting details such as office letterhead, 'MEMORANDUM FOR', 'FROM', 'SUBJECT', and numbered paragraphs but they should still include the date.

Army Ipap Letter Of Intent Example


The first paragraph should contain the name of the applicant and the intent of the letter; 1 sentence is sufficient but this paragraph could be 2-3 sentences should the writer wish to include how long they've known the candidate, their credentials, and what qualifies them to recommend the candidate.

Example #1

May 3rd, 2015

MEMORANDUM FOR: Lt. Col. Guillermo Alma, 31st Rescue Squadron

FROM: Col. Tristan Derstenfeld, Little Rock AFB Commander

SUBJECT: Letter of recommendation for MSgt Cabato, Jacqueline

1. I highly recommend Master Sergeant Cabato, Jacqueline for the available position in the 31st Rescue Squadron. MSgt Cabato has worked under my supervision at Little Rock for the past 2 years and has demonstrated a positive influence and an incredible dedication to her team.

The first example introduction was written by a Colonel to a Lieutenant Colonel, therefore it follows the exact format of a military letter of recommendation. Included in the paragraph is all the necessary information – name and rank of applicant, position for which they are applying, how long the writer has known the applicant, and in what capacity.

Example #2

To the US Air Force Academy Board of Admissions,

It is with great privilege that I write to you in regard to Marco Shykairy's application into the US Air Force Academy. Marco has been a star athlete on my soccer team for 3 years at Felix Varela High School. His leadership, persistence, and physical ability has helped us become one of the most successful teams in our league and I believe he would excel in the competitive environment of the Academy.

This example is written by a high school student's soccer coach recommending the student for the Air Force Academy. The coach doesn't know specifically who will be reading the letter so it is addressed to the board of admissions. The writer displays a clear understanding of what the academy is looking for in a cadet and believes that this individual possesses the necessary qualities.

Body Paragraph(s)

The body of the letter should be a minimum of 1 paragraph, but can contain 2 or even 3 paragraphs. The idea is to explain the reasoning behind the recommendation by describing the character of the person being recommended, listing personal attributes, and recording experiences of which the writer has direct knowledge, that are also relevant to the position. Any personality traits considered valuable to the position/purpose of the application should be mentioned such as leadership, dependability, integrity, camaraderie, and tenacity. Real life examples of these positive attributes should be recorded to strengthen the letter.

Example #1

2.Corporal McEvoy's promotion to Sergeant would be well-advised as he has proven time and time again that he is an intelligent, disciplined, confident leader. His duties and responsibilities are carried out in the highest manner of diligence. McEvoy's team is well trained and extremely organized, which directly relates to his ability to command a unit. He gets results from his soldiers because he demands their respect by exhibiting bravery, influencing his comrades to improve in their training and performance. Corporal McEvoy wants his soldiers to succeed, he wants the army to succeed, and his loyalty never falters.

A promotion from Corporal to Sergeant is a big step, and the writer of this first example presents a solid case for the promotion of a particular NCO. Leadership, integrity, loyalty, discipline are all traits a Sergeant should have and the higher ranking officer recommending this individual attests to these attributes first hand.

Example #2

2. Arnold von Weyler graduated from the Air Force Academy with flying colors. The grueling and demanding schedule of a cadet allowed Mr. von Weyler to demonstrate his physical toughness and mental fortitude. Through this challenging process, he has honed his leadership and tactical skills.

3. Under my supervision, Mr. von Weyler displayed prompt obedience, proper conduct, unfailing courtesy, and unwavering honor. He learned quickly to accomplish delegated tasks in a professional and proficient manner, always striving for excellence in the hopes of one day becoming a skillful pilot. Mr. von Weyler is proficient in aviation principles and simulators and has gained significant experience which has helped prepare him for SUPT.

The second body example, written by a director at the USAFA for an Air Force Cadet, testifies to the individual's merit as a cadet and their qualifications for acceptance into the Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training.


The conclusion is used to express a high level of confidence in the candidate, reiterating their suitability to the position/program/medal for which they are applying. The writer may addadditional comments that were not included in the body paragraphs. Offer contact methods should the reader require further information concerning the writer and/or the applicant. These contact methods can be included in the conclusion paragraph or at the bottom of the page.

If the letter is written by a civilian, a formal sign-off should be used to end the letter. The writer should include their signature and name. Military personnel will follow the same guidelines but a sign-off is optional. They may also choose to repeat their rank, position, and commanding unit, although it's not necessary if this information was presented at the top of the letter.

Example #1

Army Pa Program Letter Of Intention

4. PFC Jarre is a highly qualified-soldier who has continuously demonstrated his ability to lead and excel. It's men like him that preserve my faith in the Marine Corps and help maintain the power of our armed forces. It would be in your best interest to seriously consider Private Jarre into the FTS program.

Archibald B. Williams
Chief Warrant Officer 5, USMC
2nd Marine Division at Camp Lejune, NC
(706) 881-9003

This conclusion paragraph summarizes the intent of the letter, reiterates the writer's confidence in the applicant, and includes the appropriate contact information at the bottom of the letter.

Example #2

3. Miss. Sanwar would be a great asset to any organization. I know her to be an intelligent, strong, and loyal individual. I recommend Miss. Sanwar without hesitation for admission to the United States Navy. You can contact me at for any further questions.

Henry Durand
CPT, U.S. Army (Retired)
Professor at East Lancashire College

Written by an ex-military captain, this concluding paragraph is brief and to the point. Although the candidate is applying for the Navy, a recommendation letter from a high-ranking officer in any of the military branches is dependable.

January 6, 2010
MEMORANDUM FOR: Lt. Col. Kyle Garrison, Chief, Military Awards Branch
FROM: Maj. Francis Hart, 19th Infantry Division
SUBJECT: Letter of recommendation for Capt Kapaun, Jigar, 19th Infantry Division

Army Writer Letter Of Intent

1. This letter is to support the consideration for upgrade of the Distinguished Service Cross awarded to Captain Jigar Kapaun to a posthumous award of the Medal of Honor.

2. I had the honor of serving alongside Captain Kapaun for 5 years. Our last deployment was in Afghanistan where we set up a Security Partnering Team. During one of the scouting missions, Captain Kapaun and his tactical team were suppressed by heavy fire. A grenade was thrown into the building where the team had taken cover. Captain Kapaun, in an act of fearless heroism, dove on the grenade before detonation. This action saved the lives of 4 men and protected multiple others from severe injuries.

3. Captain Kapaun was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross but I believe his act of valor should be recognized with the highest decoration; the Medal of Honor. I'm sure you, too, will appreciate his act of courage and bravery and take this request into consideration.

Maj. Francis Hart
(605) 224-4505

Dear Admissions Committee,

My name is Katharina Heiss, I teach English at Bozeman High School. I taught Gerard in both his junior and senior years. He is a highly motivated student with unlimited potential who would make for a great cadet in the U.S. Naval Academy.

Gerard has wanted to be in the Navy since I first met him in his junior year. He is a smart, talented, and determined individual. Gerard plays more than one sport and participates in many other extracurricular activities as well, yet he never allows his school work to fall short. He shows incredible focus and preparedness in class. Gerard is able to juggle a wide range of challenges while keeping his eye on the ultimate goal; getting into the U.S. Naval Academy.

Gerard demonstrates exceptional writing and comprehension skills. He's always the first one in class and the last one out. He is respectful, compassionate, and it's obvious by the way he acts with his classmates and teammates that he is a natural born leader.

Gerard is the perfect candidate for cadet in the USNA and I strongly recommend that you consider his application. I would be happy to answer any other questions you have about this extraordinary young man's qualifications.

Katharina Heiss
(208) 776-3477

October 24, 2015
MEMORANDUM FOR: Maj. G. Scott Vander Hamm, Air Force
FROM: Capt. Guion Preston, Airfield Operations
SUBJECT: Letter of recommendation for 2d Lt Kyle Suthers

1. Second Lieutenant Kyle Suthers has played an integral role at Keesler AFB. He has helped keep this base organized for the better part of 3 years and now aspires to become a pilot. 2d. Lt. Suthers has my full support in this endeavor.

2. 2d. Lt. Suthers is a very capable, intelligent, and driven individual. Standing a cut above his peers, he exhibits unlimited potential. He is dedicated, focused, self-disciplined and shows remarkable leadership.

Army Pa Program Letter Of Intent

3. 2d. Lt. Suthers consistently applies good judgement while tending to his responsibilities. Being an officer in charge of air traffic controllers, RAPCON, airfield management, and ATCALS, has provided an excellent starting point for a pilot. Although his current position does not require this, he is proficient in theory of flight, air navigation, and aircraft operating procedures.

4. As a skilled professional with an outstanding work ethic, 2d. Lt. Suthers will use his expertise and aptitude to become a successful pilot. I strongly suggest you take his application into close consideration. My contact details are below should any further information be required.

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What is a letter of intent?

While working in the professional field, you may have felt the need to use a 'letter of intent' many times, but if you are asked what letter of intent is or what is the purpose of using it, will you be able to give a proper answer? Well, most of the newcomers entering into the world of business cannot make out how to use the letter of intent or how to make its structure. They find it quite difficult to make a proper structure of it. Therefore, to use this document for both personal and professional purposes, one should learn to use this in a proper way. Otherwise, it may cause a significant difficulty or embarrassment for creating a wrong structure. For better understanding, you can check out some letter intent examples online.In today's age, a professional letter of intent template available online that guides people on how to write a letter of intent. Whether you are handling legal matters of your organization or writing a letter of intent to a graduation school, all you need is to download it from online and fill the blanks as per your requirements. Before you actually start writing a letter of intent, you should learn its definition, use and of course how to write. So, here we start with the definition first.

What is its significance in the professional world?

The letter of intent (LOI) is also known as an interim document that summarizes the important points of the professional document, application or a proposed deal. This letter cannot be regarded as the final letter of action. Still, it is considered an important legal document towards reaching the final goal with more detail information with new terms and clauses.However, if you find making the structure of LOI quite a troublesome task, you can get a number of letter of intent examples online along with proper samples from which you can learn a lot about LOI, and you can use these templates for various purposes.

Why this letter of intent is so important?

When you are all set to start a business, it is important that you must be aware of the use of various professional documents. Besides this, it is also highly important that you must take your each step firmly while signing an agreement or deal with any person or an organization. It seems quite easy to accomplish a deal on paper, but this may indulge you in trouble if major clauses or terms are not properly mentioned in the document especially when the deal is about to close. To resolve such critical parts of a professional dealing, a letter of intent plays an important role. It is also referred to as term sheets.This letter of intent is required in almost all fields, whether it is for school, legal business dealing or personal purposes.

What are the different types of letter of intent?

  • Letter of intent for job
  • Letter of intent for business dealings
  • Letter of intent for graduate school
  • Letter of intent for personal purposes
You can find all these forms of letter of intent template online. Just download them as per your requirement and fill the blank mentioning the purpose or the subject of the letter.

Key elements need to keep in mind for writing LOI of business?

For business LOI, one needs to take into account some key elements. Let's have a look at them –
  • Selling price and terms

While writing a business letter of intent, one should not forget to mention the terms, the amount of cash down and the security description a buyer needs to provide to the seller.
  • Deadline

This point is worth mentioning in the document, where it should be clearly written how much time a buyer/a seller requires to accomplish the entire process. In the document, it should also be mentioned about a certain time period, allowing the other person to either accept or reject the letter of intent.
  • Structure

Keep an appropriate structure of the document. How the selling price is going to be allocated for various elements and what the profit structure will be.
  • Contingencies

The buying nature of a person depends on a number of key factors. For better understanding, let's cite an example here: A buyer will only show an interest if he or she finds the current legal document is easily transferable to the new owner. Besides this, his willingness also depends on diligence factor that shows everything mentioned about the business is entirely true.These are some important key points to keep in mind while writing an LOI for business. However, you can get a number of samples online from where you can get a clear idea about these business LOI elements.

Key points for writing a letter of intent for a job

LOI for a job also requires fulfilling certain criteria. Before you write a letter of intent for any job, you must know what you must include and what not. Here is a list of things which you must include in letter of intent for job –
  • Mention the subject that states what the letter is about or its purpose.
  • The name and contact information of the applicant should be mentioned
  • The document must include the name of other persons or to whom the letter is concerned
  • Mention the name of the organization, an important thing to mention in the agreement
These are some important factors to consider while writing a letter of intent for a job. However, a set of guidelines is also followed for writing a letter of intent for graduation school or job. Let's have a look at the set of guidelines –

Guidelines need to follow for writing LOI for graduation school or job

  • While writing a letter of intent, the name and contact information of the person to whom the letter is concerned should be mentioned in the document correctly. This is a key factor to consider. Don't create an impersonal look of your letter by adding some unnecessary phrases like respected madam/ sir. This is because writing such kind of words may misdirect or rerouted the letter as it does not state exactly for whom the letter is written or who is going to read the letter. In order to follow a proper structure of letter of the intent, you can download ready made templates from online.
  • Create an introductory paragraph, in the beginning, stating the purpose or the subject of the letter. The information should be written in such a manner that the person reading this letter gets an exact idea about the main purpose of the letter. You should also include your degree, achievements educational backgrounds, organizations and the like. Along with all this information, you should also include your strength and highlight them in such a manner so that the person reading this letter gets an overall idea about you.
  • Include only the specific points in the document. Do not include any vague information as this may make the whole structure look quite confusing. Make sure that you specify the subject of the content clearly at the beginning with the proper clause, terms, and conditions.
  • In the document, you should also mention your credentials. Don't try to be too modest with your skills or credentials. Rather you must highlight them in a way so that it can catch the attention of the person reading the letter.
  • At the conclusion part of the letter, you must show a request a response. It creates a good impression. Don't just show a casual attitude in your style of writing. Rather you just portray a picture that you are intended to work with them.
These are just a few guidelines which one should take into account while writing a letter of intent either for a job or graduation school.

What are the purposes served by letter of intent?

We, all people, feel the need to create legal documents at least once in our lives; either it is for property issues, business purposes, admission to a graduation school or similar other reasons. The LOI is a much more personalized document that one may need to meet any emergency situation. To create a letter of intent on an urgent basis, just download it from online and fill the blanks the way you want.Now, let's focus on the -reasons why people need a letter of intent

Reasons why do people need a letter of intent

  • Letter of intent is the ultimate process for soothing the entire process of the legal document and thereby eliminating confusion or doubts that may result in loss of trust from one another.
To define this point in a more structured way, here you will get an example like for renting a commercial property; a legal document is required for settling the deal between a buyer and a seller. The document serves as a financial proof between both the parties that state how much money the seller will take from the buyer as an initial payment and how long will be the time period for a buyer to pay the rest of the amount.
  • Another important function of a letter of intent is that it works as a checklist where you can easily keep all important legal points or documents which are required before purchasing assets. In fact, this document also includes clauses of any major legal document.
  • A letter of intent helps people to identify the verge issues or the terms that may even break a deal before the negotiation phase starts.
After all these reasons and key points, now it is time to learn about how to write a letter of intent.

How to write a letter of intent?

As this letter of intent is used in different fields for a number of different reasons such as an application for a graduate school, job, business purposes and so on, the document serves an important purpose which cannot be overlooked. A successful letter of intent must be written in a professional manner and must look persuasive and defined. Besides these, the actual purpose of the letter should be clearly written.

Steps to follow for writing a letter of intent

  • Read the instructions carefully before writing a letter of intent. All types of LOI have specific instructions and guidelines to follow that give them a proper structure. So, you need to review the instructions before starting to write.
  • Mention the name and address of the person correctly to whom the letter is concerned. If you cannot exactly make out the name or address of the person or have doubts in mind, make a quick phone call to double sure the information you need.
  • Write the things in such a way that it can be easily categorized on the following grounds such as past accomplishments, personal information, and achievements.
  • As it has been already said, that an introductory paragraph is required at the beginning of the letter, it should be written in a way that you are introducing yourself.
  • For writing a letter of intent for graduation school mention the name of the school or college, you have last attended along with the year.
  • For writing letter of intent for business, mention the name of the field you are interested in and the name of the organization you have worked before.
  • For writing a personal letter, mention the address and the name of the specific organization for which you are writing.
  • Don't make the letter lengthy with flowery languages. Start getting into specifics from the very beginning. This is something which will create a good impression on your letter.
  • Once you are more or less done and finds that the first draft looks a bit haphazard, just take the important points from it and make a final draft.
  • After covering all important points and instructions in a document, it's time to proofread or edit your work to make sure the letter reads out the purpose or the subject clearly without any grammatical or spelling error and the letter makes a proper sense.
  • When you are finally ready with your LOI including all important points and information, attach it with any other important documents or applications and submit.
However, if you find maintaining all these guidelines in a letter of intent a troublesome task, it is better to download it from online and fill the blanks with proper words. To get a more precise idea, you can also check out some samples and learn what to include and what not.

Additional points to keep in mind

  • Keep the style of writing direct and to the point. Avoid flowery or unwanted sentences. Try to write in the active voice that will make your letter look more concise and precise.
  • Always keep in mind that a letter of intent is also referred to as a letter of personal statement or letter of interest through you can establish your image.
  • 12-font size is a standard measure. Stick to it. For writing format, you can use either Arial or Times New Roman.

Download letter of intent templates

A letter of intent can be considered as a legally binding document, used for a number of reasons, such as for writing a letter for graduation school, job or business deals. It is a way through by which one can add a personal statement or voice to a document. So, whenever, you feel the need of this legal document, just download it from online and fill the fields with required information.

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